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Preach Peter!

"And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come. And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved." Acts 2:19-21

In the scriptures mentioned, the term "Wonders" describes the awe that people feel when they witness the supernatural acts (miracles) of Almighty God. God continues to display signs and wonders in the sky and on earth, yet many fail to recognize His power and attribute His works to the unexplainable. Likewise, in the scripture passage, "Signs" indicate the divine power behind miracles; wonders are only meaningful when they direct attention to God and His truth. These miraculous deeds are often performed by the Holy Spirit through individuals chosen by God to validate them as messengers of God's truth. The scriptures references to "Blood ... fire ... vapours of smoke" in the Bible are all linked to events surrounding the second coming of Christ and signify the establishment of His earthly kingdom. The imminent return of Jesus is supported by the Bible, the word of God, which I trust and believe in. The "great and notable day of the Lord" refers to the anticipated second coming of our Lord and Saviour.

Here is a crucial passage from the scriptures that I have written: "Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord." Until the moment of judgment and wrath arrives, anyone who turns to Christ as their Lord and Savior will find salvation! Please, do not overlook this! Jesus, rescue me! This is an incredible promise, available to anyone who is willing to accept it. It simply means that if we accept Jesus as our Savior and Lord, we will be saved. Those who witness the moon and sun behaving in such a way will be filled with terror. Yet, even in that dire situation, if they call upon Jesus as their Savior and Lord, He will rescue them. Finally, we come to the core of Peter's sermon, where he introduced and defended Jesus Christ as the Messiah of Israel. The primary objective of Peter's sermon is to establish that "Jesus" is both God and the Messiah. Peter aimed to support this claim by presenting three true accounts: Christ's miracles, His resurrection, and His sending of the Holy Spirit. Pray this prayer with me, Jesus, come into my heart and save me, I am grateful!

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