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Ephesians 6:13 "Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand."

The term "Wherefore" in this passage indicates "because of this," meaning that due to the presence of a powerful adversary, it is crucial for us to make use of God's provision to prevent the enemy from undermining our Christian testimony and ministry. The writer of the scripture instructs us to "take unto you the whole armor of God," highlighting the importance of believers embracing God's complete spiritual armor through obedience in putting it on. It is feasible to lead a Christian life in apathy, indifference, and contentment with the status quo, yet still spend eternity with the Lord, as He has guaranteed the eternal salvation of all believers (John 10:28-29). While we cannot lose the ultimate battle because we belong to the Lord and the victory is His, neglecting obedience comes with significant consequences. Disregarding obedience results in sorrow for both ourselves and our heavenly Father, instead of joy. It leads to lost souls remaining in darkness and damnation, rather than being guided to the light of salvation. Additionally, it results in our efforts being consumed by fire like hay, as we forfeit the rewards that faithful service would bring.

The first set of armor, consisting of the girdle, breastplate, and shoes/boots (verses 14-15), was worn constantly during battle. The second set, comprising the shield, helmet, and sword (verses 16-17), was kept prepared for use once combat commenced. The term "the evil day" signifies the times when demonic attacks and satanic assaults occur periodically. "Having done all" encompasses both putting on God's armor and resisting Satan. After completing these actions, be prepared, as the Devil will launch repeated attacks. Since the fall of humanity, each day has been marked by evil, a state that will endure until the Lord returns and establishes His righteous kingdom on earth. This evil day may manifest on various occasions. The battle may pause briefly, only to resume unexpectedly. Our duty is to be prepared and stand firm. A soldier's duty is to stand and remain steadfast regardless of the challenges posed by the enemy. Our resilience in this battle must stem from within. The presence of Christ within us empowers us to stand resolute in the midst of the conflict. Even the most dedicated and enthusiastic soldier of Christ is reliant on God's provisions. We are provided for by being His children, possessing His Word, having His indwelling Holy Spirit, and having access to all the resources of our heavenly Father. God is our source of strength, yet this strength is accessed through obedience; His powerful armor must be donned and wielded daily. Some believers may excel in the Lord's work, but fail to remain steadfast. The crucial factor is not in the believer's actions during the battle, but in whether they are found standing faithfully by the Saviour once the battle concludes. Make up in your mind that you're going to stand firm and don't wait until the battle is over, you can shout right now.

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