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The 1000 Year Reign

Revelation 20:1,2 "And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years"

It's crucial for those of us who are called by God to preach, teach and write about the word of God in its entirety, even those books that may be hard to understand. That being said, I will attempt to explain one of the most controversial chapters in the Bible, not because it contains anything essentially complex, but because it touches on a subject of preconceived bias. This particular chapter is often referred to as "1,000-year reign, also known as the millennium or millennial kingdom, is a period of peace and righteousness that occurs after the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Although not Jesus Himself, the "angel" is a ministering spirit who has been granted authority by Jesus. Originating from heaven, near the throne, this angel has been entrusted by Jesus with the key to the bottomless pit and empowered for this task. The "great chain" in the angel's hand symbolizes the power given by God to control the devil, preventing him from deceiving nations until the end of the thousand years. The "Key of the bottomless pit" refers to the location where demons are held before their ultimate condemnation to the lake of fire. Those of you who've been washed in the blood of Jesus, understand, that during the time mentioned in Rev. 20, Satan will be seized, bound, and confined in the bottomless pit (abyss), preventing his influence from reaching the Tribulation Saints who have endured the seven-year Tribulation period. Can you envision a world where Satan is absent to tempt anyone? Do you anticipate that the 1000-year millennium will bring about a utopian era, free from adversity? Entrance into the 1000-year millennium is reserved for believers exclusively. The majority will live throughout the entire millennium, engaging in reproduction and raising children. Indeed, even the curse on animals will be lifted, allowing the wolf to coexist peacefully with the lamb. However, human nature remains unchanged.

The offspring of the Saints will still need to learn about Jesus, even though He will be constantly present with them; many may still reject Him. It's important to remember that the human heart is inherently deceitful, and unfortunately, this is the nature of mankind. A significant population growth is expected during the one thousand years, leading to possibly billions of people by the end, similar to the current time period. Prior to the commencement of the millennial kingdom, Satan is confined in the Abyss. The seal that scripture references symbolizes God’s authority and assurance that Satan will remain imprisoned for a thousand years. Throughout the Millennium, Satan will be unable to lead astray or tempt the nations. Any inclination towards sin within the Millennium must originate from the individuals born after the kingdom's establishment. It is presumed that all of Satan’s demons or fallen angels are also detained during this period. Jesus Christ will rule on earth unopposed, with His kingdom characterized by righteousness, peace, and love. Nevertheless, following the thousand years, Satan will be released briefly.

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