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There Is Power, Power! Wonder Working Power!!!

Updated: Jul 21

The book of Acts 1:8 states that believers will receive power through the Holy Spirit to be witnesses for Jesus in various regions, ultimately spreading the gospel worldwide. The empowerment of the apostles by the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost) was crucial for their mission of evangelism, leading to the global impact of the gospel as recorded in Matthew 28:19-20. The verse emphasizes the empowerment believers receive from the Holy Spirit, enabling them to testify effectively about Jesus Christ. The term "witnesses" denotes individuals who share the truth of Christ, even at the cost of their lives, as seen in the gospel of John 14:26 and 1 Peter 3:15. The geographical references to "Jerusalem," "Judea," and "Samaria" highlight the progressive outreach of the gospel message. The disciples were instructed to focus on spreading the gospel worldwide, a mission that continues today. The Great Commission outlined in The Book of Acts, underscores the importance of the Holy Spirit in enabling believers to fulfill their role as witnesses. Like the early church, we too should endeavour to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation. The departure of Jesus marked a significant moment, signaling the end of His earthly ministry until His anticipated return as described in the books of Revelation and Zechariah.

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